I’m the ringleader here at Accept Fitness. I’m just here as a God loving Christian dude who has a great deal of passion for health and fitness. And I’m driven by one ambition: To transform your body and establish the lifestyle you’ve always wanted.
That’s what this site is all about. Providing you with great information, tips, strategies, stories, and even ramblings on health related content. From exercising more effectively, to the foods that will help you lose weight, and even evaluating the latest health and fitness headlines—this site is about answering your questions.
I’m not here to make a name for myself. I’m here to make a difference. To change the way you look at fitness and instill the goals, motivation, and determination to accept fitness as a lifestyle.
I feel as though there are many people out there that go to their graves with their lives unlived to their full potential. Whatever your excuse is that’s holding you back from acquiring the clean, healthy and personal power that you’ve always dreamt of achieving, rest assured, at Accept Fitness you’ll find what you’re looking for and much..much more!
I know how living a healthy lifestyle has benefited my life and I want to do what I can to share it with others.
You are the heart of this site!
Whatever reason you have for being here, thank you.
Everyone deserves to live their dreams and enjoy the feeling of freedom that accompanies incredible fitness lifestyle.
I will instill the connection between fitness, good health, and personal power firmly into your consciousness… That is my goal.
I am NOT a fitness expert. Although I have dedicated the past several years of my life to this stuff, I run this site not from the mindset of a fitness expert with every degree known to man, but as a normal guy down in the trenches with you—an amateur. I enjoy playing volleyball, am a considerable car enthusiast, and really enjoy staying active while pushing myself to be in the best shape I can be.
If you want to lose weight, I will get you there. If you want to build muscle and mass, I will get you there. If you want to feel better about yourself when you wake up in the morning, I will get you there.
Let me help you dedicate your life to a healthier lifestyle.
I continually strive to get better and have a lot of room for improvement! It’s been gratifying to work each day on self improvement, both physically and mentally.
People fail in their health & fitness goals when they look too far ahead. It’s smart to set goals, but if you get focused on reaching your goal weight over-night, you’ll get discouraged along the way and quit. Focus on winning each day.
You may be average or mediocre… But this site is not for those who WANT to be that way. It’s for those who want to be better. Those who want to be stronger, physically and mentally, and those who want to be healthier and fit and accept the fitness lifestyle into their lives.
Do you want to live a healthy lifestyle and accept fitness into your life? That’s what I’m here for…Let’s do it!
What you learn as you get more and more experienced is that you can do things in a more efficient manner as time goes on.
I want to share with you a famous quote I love:
“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan “press on” has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race”
-Calvin Coolidge
So there you have it, persistence and determination. Pressing on and doing whatever it takes to become the best version of yourself and living the healthier lifestyle.
We’re going to have a good time here and form a great action-taking community! I want you to post comments on whatever you’re thinking about. You’ll need an open mind and a sense of humor.
So welcome to Accept Fitness headquarters!
P.S.—Take a second and connect with us across social media:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/acceptfitness
Twitter: www.twitter.com/acceptfitness
Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/acceptfitness